Small Happiness are necessary for life, Stay Happy

Surrounded By Small Happiness

Small Happiness are necessary for life, Stay Happy

A small happiness knocked! Asked me, if she can come in? That time, I was working desperately for a big project, beneath that I had been suppressing my happiness for long. Thought for a while and don’t know why, but I said ‘Yes’! I had myriad doubts in my mind about my focus on so-called project of happiness I was on.

I didn’t do a warm welcome to her. She was still fine and smiling looking at me. I didn’t pay much attention. She tried talking to me but I ignored saying I’m busy. She was constantly after me, and I tried to get rid. she couldn’t bear with that disdain. Eventually, she died of loneliness and a message found written next to her,

“I make people smile who want to smile. I can’t survive alone! You expected the happiness and I came to your door. But you ignored me for a bigger chunk of happiness. I felt that disregard. You can’t own a bigger source of happiness if you don’t how to preserve a smaller one. Next time if you see someone like me, embrace her, accept her wholeheartedly and rejoice what she offers to you”

It shook my soul, shattered my focused mind and paralyzed my active body. And, that all was just for me to me to wait and realize what had happened. I couldn’t move my eyes off from her. The tears found a way to peep out. As they drop off from my eyes to her body, a voice reached to my ears-

It’s not the first time, a small happiness has died. Don’t mourn! We die every day hoping for your attention and embracement. You couldn’t realize this yourself and so I did. Take care of us. Make sure you’ll never disregard a small happiness again!” And, that body disappeared, the message too!

I realized and found that I’m really a weirdo. Ignored the happiness I’ve been chasing for long. It really taught me a life-lesson. Small happiness come without invitation, but stays, only if accepted and embraced with care. There is no brightness in future if I’m leaving my present dark.

Small happiness come without invitation, but stays, only if accepted and embraced with care. Click To Tweet

That day and today, I never rush for life while leaving the life behind. I laugh and that laugh pave my way. It teaches me, if I end my days with satisfaction, I’ve made my life worth living. Because, that will me the reason to laugh every next day. I’m now like all-time happy soul surrounded by small happiness.

It’s just an urge from everyone who read till here… please take care of your small happiness. They flow to you effortlessly.

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