Find Your's Defects

1 post

A physical or mental ability/disability that’s, for a layman is quite uneasy to accept it as a standard human feature, is named to be a defect. Vision of life should be 24 X 7 consistent about improvisation but it can’t be confined to mere correcting them. A lot more is there to learn and explore beyond just fixing your them in your mind, all the time. Keeping them in mind in a side corner so you can work on it together with hearting upon the things that matters the most, would the best coalescent deal. You should aim at beefing up the mentality to make your defects look so small to be noticed in a shine of your wisdom, attitude, thoughts, charm of intelligence, jocundity and art of laughing at your own minus spots etc. to make yourself to be an example for others for a better life. If Improvising the defects doesn’t add value over the time cost, it’s better to be with flaws.