How insult works in motivating you. Fat to Fit - The insult that changed me - Palmword

Fat To Fit – The Insult That Change Me

How insult works in motivating you. Fat to Fit - The insult that changed me - Palmword

Fat to Fit, it was a long walk that started from the day I got insulted for the first time. I’m more determined now. So here is a poem for those who’ve been through insulting situations considering their body weight as a reason behind.

Stopped my walk as the pain crushed me,

I wasn’t that hard, but my dream pushed me.

Every single time when you quipped on me,

was like an arrow crushing heart and self-esteem.


I’m heavy cum giant like a fluffy pillow,

Wonder! could it come down like melting-snow?

Getting up early, I never did it though,

Diet plan, exercise, I don’t like, and you know!


Don’t go on my size, soon this would be slimmer than you,

I’ve convinced myself; your opinions are not new.

Have controlled the appetite, now the turn is of you,

go vanished of my life, like a heated-up dew.


Can’t you see that for you, I’ve been burning whole my mind,

I am not like others, still trying to be that kind.

After crying over the things, I’ve learned indeed

It’s just me! so just let me be me.

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