I am a harmful benefit. A friend who tried to be an asset but became a liability.

I Am Her Onerous Asset

I am a harmful benefit. A friend who tried to be an asset but became a liability.I tried to be a supportive hand, I became her onerous asset. I thought to be her backbone, so I could help her, support in her hard times. Tried always to be an asset she could’ve faith upon. Her untold feelings, of which I was a part of, she has confined them now, inside the deep edge of her heart that now have no way to peep out. She completely secluded me from her thoughts, in times when I felt she had my need.

I saw and I met her, dreams came closer. She found the one she waited for, one who could listen to her endlessly. I was there for her sensual cum nonsense thoughts and answering her bizarre questions. She liked it as she said, “You’re my only friend who has shown me so much patience just know about a useless thing, that’s me!” No match of her when it comes to hiding anything, getting worried about someone else, taking the blame for everything.

The time I realized – I am her onerous asset

Until she tried and started listening to me, it was all fine. I had revealed only the good side of me she had the knowledge of. Thinking me as a joyful and pleasant personality, she was with me; words of my perception sometimes speak to me.

You can’t hide it long, the other side, exactly what happened with me. Coins flipped, I got burst up, my hidden feelings revealed my other side to her. An actually depressed, unloved guy having millions of unanswered expectations now just want to help others.

a friend who tried to be an asset but became an liability. I am her onerous asset.She asked me, what’s your past? A hope was there in her eyes, waiting for my lost smile. She wished she could flip this coin, one more time. My over-energetic and cheerful behavior had raised her expectations and she was missing it now.

She expected a friend in me. I expected my love. Her intents shook my mind and I had to add her in my painful history. I failed to resist the changes in me. Decorated with the wrinkles of depression, my smiling face turned out to be pale & ugly inside. My words were even more grisly then her undesired negative mind.

I hoped I would take care of her, now she is bearing with my worries too. Share on X

Now her thoughts have no destination. She is now unheard and unanswered. A truly helping guy deformed in pieces puzzled her straight-line life. I found myself as her onerous asset.

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