Its One Sided

A Cricket Match as well as a Love is not good when it is One Sided. First time I am here with a story of someone else’s life. As if I see, lots of people come and pass through our life just like we change our accessories. Some stay for a very short period, where some become an immense big part of our life span. There is one thing which remains common, and that is we, ourselves. I am not here to give any lecture on philosophy as I know every person in today’s world is somewhat, a philosopher.

A Cricket Match as well as a Love is not good when it is One Sided Share on X

“I hate her, but I’m still ready to forget everything just for one small approach towards forgiving her” with tears in his eyes, my friend was sharing with me.

Stepped into One sided

Either she just doesn’t understand me or the thing is that she knows me more than I know myself, “I used to think like that”. She was the only reason to make me realize that I too have writing skills because whatever I used to feel for her, there was something kicking inside my heart to shape it into words.

Interrupting my friend, I asked him, “Can you share me a bit more about her”, being curious! In between I would like to add that, very few people believe in “One Life – One Love” and he is one of those.

Flashback of One sided

“She is from Jaipur; it was 2nd May of 2012, while I and 8 of my friends were waiting for a bus at the stand, heading towards our exam center. A bus came over there, while checking for the seat availability, a girl wished me “Best of Luck” by calling only my name out of  9 of us. I was surprised to see, as she was that girl to whom I knew for past few years and we were like Known Strangers to each other since then. I wished “Same to you” as I got to know that she was also giving those exams but unfortunately we couldn’t board that bus. We met several times thereafter and it was like the real beginning of our friendship”.

“There is only a very small line difference between friendship, then attraction and then love”

and I finally understood that it actually happens and not mere philosophies.I started getting attracted towards her, every moment spent with her was just like the best utilization, I can ever get.

After exams I had to shift to Mumbai, but we were still in touch, there came a moment when I thought about proposing her but on the next second, I stopped, felt it like happening so fast and that it may not be the right time. I should wait; wait till I get more clear indications because facing a rejection would be just like “ineffable”.

Everything was going very smoothly but I never got any indication which could have made me believe that the friendship has turned into love; I thought she might be waiting for me to initiate, that’s why I finally decided to propose her.

Whether you call it a destiny or otherwise but it was my biggest mistake that I proposed her through Video Calling as it was not possible for me to be in Jaipur in coming 6 months.

Again Interrupting my Friend… “what was her reaction?”

The call continued for 45 Minutes and only one topic was being discussed, final answer, what she gave me was; “Look I can understand, we had a great journey, I like you; there came such moments also when I felt attracted towards you; but I finally realized that was not love” and call got disconnected. That time I was like “I even didn’t know how badly I was injured from inside” as I say totally ineffable.

I text her many times, but got no reply, after 6 months around, I asked her for a general friendship because that was the only relation we enjoyed by heart.

Finally I got one last reply It’s better to live in present than to go in the past and live there Share on X and I got my answer.

Its One sided Love Story

From the very beginning of comfort zone of our friendship we’d a dream to hug each other, she kept her promise and we finally met in Jaipur for the last time. I will never forget that touch as it has got mixed with my touch, after that hug I just hold her hand and we walked few steps together, the moment was soundless and I was unable to stop my tears, then road came and we turned opposite, I was looking behind again and again…but !

I will now love to dedicate my friend’s story to all who are still waiting one sided for their “someone” either for love or friendship.

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