Life is beautiful, It's raw. Alive is awesome.

Life Layout And Relations

Life is beautiful, It's raw. Alive is awesome.

Life is like an empty space given to us to design. Throughout the life, we keep forming it. People, knowledge, rumors and fears, they all fill up the space and give a layout to the picture of life. The quality of add-ons speaks the quality of layout. How beautiful or how ugly it could be, depends on you. So, think before you add-on. Keep sense on and stress off to make some rationale add-ons to life. Life is raw, customize it wisely.

Imprudent decisions often attract depression. And, it’s something that’s nowhere discussed. A treasure that people love to hide, grip hard to store, and preserve it deep in heart, depression! Discussing it is like leaving an open wound for the people with salt in their hands. So, a hesitation to discuss is genuine. Even a wisely chosen partner to share pain and emotions, sometimes turns out to be an agony.

Discussing depression is like leaving an open wound for the people with salt in their hands. Share on X

Life is not Cruel

You weren’t born with a past, you’ve created it.

Every day you lived; you’ve collected it.

If you’ve called your life cruel, I hope you’ve regretted it,

Life is colourful my dear, you’ve faded it.

People like emotional fools, superstitious icons, greedy folks, and self-centered layman are perfect examples. They never feel free of disturbing thoughts. Their minds can’t stay calm. And that’s what they’ve made themselves.

Factually, if I’m getting fat or if my vision is getting blurry, I can’t blame the food and gadgets for that. It was me who chose those add-ons. Psychologically, if I’m crushing my mind with my own created fears, I can’t blame the thoughts that ruined it. If I’ve added something to life, I’ve to be responsible for the aftereffects.


Defend your relations if they fight,

Share their pain, if they hide,

Lighten their heart, give them pride,

Yet, don’t beg them to take your side.

Your life may shine more brightness with perfect people around or may lost in gloominess of desires unfulfilled. Your friends/ relationships are like some critical customizations in a standard software called, life.

Add-ons may fail but don’t stop adding on. Clay off the past, change your zone, leave the comfort and start being on. What if someone betrayed? Dear, be wise, let your hatred evaporate. Stop looking back, also stop racking hate and while you walking on fate, believe everything will be set.

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