That One Hour

one hour that we should save everyday for the things that matters.
After being consistently pushed up in the rat race at various stages of life, one thing is crystal clear that there is no perfect stage to pursue your dreams. For the last few years, we’ve been shifting our dreams. Every time we have some reasons cum excuses to lag it for some time.  Feeling like exhausted with the race, we are being taught to be an indivisible part of it.

One hour to keep your dreams alive

A tight schedule is merely an excuse. There always exists time for snatching a few moments from this rush to live up your dreams. The dreams can be anything like singing, writing, painting, dancing, working on any invention, etc. Being in touch with dreams gives a sense of satisfaction and works like anti-stress medicine.

The Bitter Reality  

Everyone has some passion, dream, goals apart from the meaningless rat race leading us to the tasteless future. We often set personal goals in our routine but at the end of the day, they mostly remain untouched. That makes us feel dissatisfied with the work-life that leads us to the doorstep of depression.

Just one hour and multiply your efforts

Irony strokes my head when someone says that he doesn’t have extra time. Why you need extra time? And that too for your own passion. Make it your routine, make it fit in that. It just takes one-hour soulful devotion in doing something that we really wish to do 24 X 7. Magically, the empty space grabbed by the negativities will be taken by the positive vibes and creative ideas. Life won’t be like passing of days one after the other.

Small act with Daily effort results in Big Impact.

Though a very short span, the results are magnificent. The magnitude of the results is simply shocking. To convince, I can put a real-life example for you. A writer, who can write just 3- 5 lines in that one hour, in six months only, the result will be a complete novel.

If we can choose 23 Hours for STRESS, what’s wrong in One Hour for RELAX. Share on X

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